Friday, November 18, 2011

Top 3 Home Security Mistakes You Shoule to Avoid

We usually like to think our homes, apartments, garages and other property are relativly safe. We talk ourselves into the fact that our neighborhood may be safe, our town or city is safe, or that we have the right equipment to keep it all secure. This may not actually be the case.

Here are our Top 3 Home Security Mistakes:

1. The “Hidden” Key

Most people have a hidden key that they are certain is safe from intruders. The “under-the-rock” or “under-the-doormat” hidden key is one of the most over used security practices across the nation. In almost all cases, you aren’t being sneaky, and that key can be found relatively quickly. Even the most inexperienced thieves know about the hidden key trick (it’s probably the first one they try.) If you are worried about getting locked out, think about other keyless security products that could help you in this situation.

2. Unarmed Alarm System

If you have an alarm system for your home, but don’t ever use it, what good will it do? If you want your home to be safe then be sure to turn your home alarm system on. People who hesitate to turn the system on may fear an accidental incident, and therefor just don’t mess with it. Wouldn’t you rather have a mistaken alarm go off than have no alarm go off during a real home invasion? Even if you are leaving for a few minutes, that is enough time for a burglar to come into your home.

3. Garage Safety

Some people mistakenly think your garage is safer than your home because burglars are less inclined to go there first. This is not the case. Leaving your garage unlocked, or unprotected can be a huge mistake. Leaving your car keys (and home keys) in your garage is only providing a burglar entry into both places and a potential get-away ride.


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