Monday, September 5, 2011

Wireless Security Cameras - Advantages And Disadvantages

Wireless security cameras are emerging as a very important tool for security purpose, whether it is the security of offices, streets, government building or bungalows. These cameras have proved a great help in tracking criminals or law breakers and minimizing the rate of criminal activities in a city. These are used in many ways like home security cameras watching the cars parked in no parking area or people breaking traffic rules in case of traffic controlling of city.

In government buildings and business offices these can be used to keep an eye on the people entering and leaving the premises or in parking area where visits are less, or watching the whole premises by the security officer sitting in the control room. It helps in round the clock surveillance and wireless security cameras thus security team can easily know whether there is any breach in security or not.

There are some advantages of these wireless camera security over the wired one.

1. These are not limited by cables. So it is easy to install them and get the signals sitting far away. It helps the monitoring on roads and in government buildings. Also it increases the area of functionality for these type of cameras.

2. The signals are transferred via Dome CCD Cameras air with the help of broadcast signals that make it possible to view them from anywhere if permission is granted. Like if you the access then you can see the signals with the help of internet also.

3. There are options for variety of images. You can get one of Box Cameras quality also. These come in 5:1 compression ratio that increases the image quality.

4. Now these are coming with options like email and SMS alerts so that the owner can know about wrong doing anytime even if he is not monitoring them. This is gaining popularity among people specially business class people.

But as we know that every coin has two faces, similar is the case with these security cameras. They are helpful in ensuring proper safety but also have some disadvantages like

1. They transfer signal via air with the help of broad cast signals so they can be jammed. If anyone knows the traveling frequency of signals then he can jam them or include distortion in them so that they can't be received properly at the other end.

2. Digital video recorders can sometime catch the signals and thus can hinder the security.

With good knowledge of wireless camera security, one can minimize these threats and can make effective use of these cameras.

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Tagcloud: Wireless Security Cameras , Ip cameras , Spy Cameras

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