Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Android Lifesaver: Best Android Home Security Camera WIIA 2.1

“Make no mistakes, home burglary is not something to be complacent about," says Carl Robinson, a home security kit expert . Home burglary murders are done because the person who accidentally interrupts a burglary in progress often causes the burglar to panic, leaving the burglar little choice other than to kill the eyewitness or go to prison.

The following are excerpts from the confession of triple home burglar murderer Matthew Hoffman given to Knox county Ohio police investigators on November 19, 2010:

“I parked my car in Howard and walked from there to the house. I got to the woods across the street from the house a little after midnight. I slept across the street from the house that night in a sleeping bag. I woke up at daylight. There were two vehicles parked at the house during the night, and I saw that the gray car had left. I went back to sleep until around nine on Wednesday morning. I stayed there until a woman left in a pickup truck. This meant there were no vehicles at the house. I walked across the street and tried to enter the front door, but it was locked. I then went in through the garage door. The garage door was not closed all the way so I slid under it into the garage. I kicked the door into the house from the garage. By this time it was approximately 10:30 a.m. Wednesday morning.

"I looked around the house to make sure no one was there. Even if I did not take anything, there was a certain amount of excitement in being in someone else's home without them being there. I was looking for anything of value that could be carried out easily, i.e. money, jewelry, etc. I did not find anything of any real value. I was getting ready to leave as I had been there approximately an hour, but someone pulled into the driveway. I was back in the bedrooms when she entered the house and was unable to exit without breaking a window and trying to jump out. I had brought my knife for a certain amount of intimidation in case I ran into someone and needed to make an escape.

"When she made her way back into the bedrooms I confronted her and made her get onto the bed lying face down. I believe that we were in her bedroom. I had a blackjack, I was going to try to knock her out. I hit her a couple of times in the head, but this would not knock her out. It was not doing the job, and I started panicking. The next thing that I knew her friend came into the bedroom. I have no idea when she got there, what she was doing there, and how she gained access. The other woman yelled at me, there were now two to deal with and I did not know what to do.

"I grabbed the knife that I had put down on the nightstand and stabbed the woman on the bed, through her back, twice. I chased the other woman down (Stephanie) and stabbed her a couple times in the chest. Instead of running out of the house, she had run into another bedroom. I believe this bedroom was for a girl due to the contents of the room. I then went back to the other bedroom where the first woman was located and stabbed her a couple more times. I could tell that both women were now dead.

"At this time I was in a total state of shock. I wandered around the house slowly coming to the realization of what I had done and how bad it was. During this time I killed the dog because it would not stop barking. After a while I came to the conclusion that I was going to dispose of the bodies and burn the house down.”
Robinson says, “Android Home Security Camera WIIA 2.1 is a 100% cellular covert surveillance camera system that keeps you out ahead of any home burglary or intruder occurrence. It detects a burglar by built in motion sensor and sends pictures instantly and directly to your personal cell phone when you are away from home and there is a break-in. Several of these Hoffman type murders happen every day, 365 days a year to the horrible surprise of home owners and apartment dwellers all across America. If you don’t think a Hoffman type murder can take place at your home – think again – and think in the real world. At a minimum a home burglary happens somewhere every 8.5 seconds.

“The Hoffman triple burglary murder, kidnap and rape took place in Knox county Ohio, on November 10, 2010. Before that day was over, Hoffman, a 30-year-old unemployed ex-con, had killed Herrmann, her 11-year-old son, Kody Maynard, and Herrmann's best friend and neighbor, 41-year-old Stephanie Sprang," says Robinson. “He also had kidnapped a 13-year-old girl, sexually assaulted her and held her hostage until authorities, after days of old-fashioned police work, raided Hoffman's home near downtown Mount Vernon, Ohio about 8 a.m. the following Sunday morning and rescued her.”

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