Thursday, November 3, 2011

Popular smartphones Review- iPhone v. Blackberry

In the year 2011, it's become standard to own a cell phone that can surf the web, download music, and send texts in a matter of seconds. The two most popular smartphones among teens are the BlackBerry and the iPhone.

When the first iPhone / ipad Accessories came around in 2007, it was almost revolutionary.Adults and teens alike were fascinated by the touch-screen technology and the phone's various capabilities. Although the iPhone is fairly simple to use and many new users are familiar with iTunes as well as the app store, many argue that the phone itself is overrated.

A popular opinion about the iPhone is that the touch-screen keyboard is difficult to type with since the keys are spread apart. One of the more popular features of the iPhone is that it functions as an iPod complete with the iTunes store, which makes it simple to purchase music and add it to the iPod without the hassle of connecting it to a computer. Many users also agree that the internet browser is simplified, easy to navigate with, and rarely freezes.

A few years back, many viewed the BlackBerry as strictly a business phone, used by adults and multi-taskers. Today, it's one of the most popular smartphones among teenagers as well as adults. Many teenagers claim that the primary reason they had for purchasing one was to utilize an application that is complete with every BlackBerry -- BBM, or BlackBerry Messenger. The application almost resembles an instant messaging tool, and makes communication between other BlackBerry users simple. It's also free.

Several BlackBerry users also agree that although the interface of the iPhone is quality, BlackBerries can sustain a longer battery life and are less prone to breakage. The e-mail service also allows the user to manage more than one address, which is beneficial to e-mail users with several obligations. However, BlackBerry owners claim that the music application is more difficult to use than the iPod feature on the iPhone.

“I’d rather buy an iPod separately than use the music app on the BlackBerry,” said one tenth grader.
If you're looking into purchasing either a BlackBerry or an iPhone, you should consider what your priorities on your cell phone are. Also, the price of these devices should not be ignored, as both require a separate payment for internet usage and other services.

One 11th grader told us he would not be getting a smartphone any time soon. “My family is tight on money,” he said.

If you are in the market though, whereas the iPhone offers simplicity in watching movies, listening to music, and downloading apps, the BlackBerry is a more sophisticated phone meant for communicating with friends and family as well as keeping things organized.

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