Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Post-CES Onslaught – Digital Camera Trends 2012

CES 2012 was a big show for camera announcements, but the past two weeks have been just as eventful in the world of digital imaging. It hasn’t all been good news: Kodak officially announced that it will be exiting the digital camera business, marking a mind-boggling turn for the worse in the company’s 131-year history.

On the plus side, 2012 is shaping up to be a great year for anyone interested in buying a new camera. High-end DSLRs are becoming powerful weapons for both stills and video; mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras are maturing nicely; pocket cameras now offer zoom ranges that can reach 20X optical; and rugged digital cameras are delivering more in-camera goodies to accompany their everything-proof frames.

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