Friday, June 10, 2011's popular Les Paul playable guitar doodle

Attention, procrastinators: There's little chance of getting caught up with the tasks you avoided yesterday, now that's popular Les Paul playable guitar doodle has been extended for another day.

"Due to popular demand, we're leaving the Les Paul doodle up in the U.S. through Friday for an encore. Thanks for jamming with us!" wrote Google designer Alexander Chen in an update on the company's blog Friday morning.

The interactive doodle rearranges a few guitar strings in the shape of the Google logo, and the strings can be plucked or strummed by moving the cursor across. There's also a button to record and play back your musical creations. The whole thing is in honor of Les Paul, commonly held as the father of the electric guitar, who would have been 96 years old Thursday. He died in 2009.

The musical doodle rivals 2010's playable Pac-man offering celebrating the game's 30th anniversary in terms of the amount of buzz generated online. (See also 20 Notable Google Doodles" for some other favorites.) According to Trendistic, at its height of popularity around midday Thursday, about 0.15 percent of all tweets included the hashtag #googledoodle. That's about one-tenth the popularity that the word "Apple" saw on Twitter on the day of Steve Jobs' WWDC keynote earlier this week, which is still quite significant for a doodle.

According to Chen, " The doodle was made with a combination of JavaScript, HTML5 Canvas (used in modern browsers to draw the guitar strings), CSS, Flash (for sound) and tools like the Google Font API, and App Engine."

In the past 24 hours, recordings created using the doodle have begun to show up on places like YouTube, where riffs from Michael Jackson, the Star-Spangled Banner, and my favorite, the theme to Tetris are plucked out on the Google logo.

Apparently not everyone was thrilled though -- one engineer is reported to have complained that the doodle wasted ten megawatts of energy worldwide. I think it's worth checking the calculations on that one. In the meantime, I've got some songs to write.

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