Friday, June 24, 2011

iPhone 5 Review: Six Amazing Phone Technologies We Want in iPhone 5

What will Apple's next iPhone be like? If rumors are to believed, it's going to be a radical redesign from previous models, mining some of the best features from the current crop of mobile-phone technology.

Six Amazing Phone Technologies We Want in iPhone 5
But that's almost a given. With competitors offering things like OLED screens, NFC communication for mobile payments, and 4G connectivity, Apple has to be at least considering including those things for iPhone 5 (or the iPhone 4S, or whatever it's going to be called). But what about those wild cards, the things on the outskirts of current mobile tech, which could give the next iPhone an edge over all comers?
Apple's pulled high-tech rabbits out of its hat before. With the iPhone 4, it introduced two unexpectedly novel features: the so-called retina display and the external antenna. While the iPhone 4's retina screen still reigns as phone display on the market with the highest pixel density, the external antenna made headlines for all the wrong reasons, leading to “antennagate” after several users posted evidence of the phone's “death grip.”
Questionable antenna designs aside, there's no shortage of bleeding-edge phone technologies that could be game-changers. Some have already begun to appear in phones, while others have only been seen in prototypes or laboratories thus far. In either case, their benefits and abilities would give any phone that integrates them an boost in the rapidly evolving world of mobile.
There isn't a phone manufacturer on the planet right now that's making plans around NFC and 4G. But how many would introduce radically different screen or camera technologies, a new type of connector, or solar charging? We know almost certainly these features won't be in iPhone 5, but we can still dream… of iPhone 6.

Quantum-Dot LED Screen

Lots of phones on the market today sport OLED screens, which boast sharpness, brightness as well as low power consumption. What could be better? How about a quantum-dot display, which has many of the same qualities, but doesn't exhibit the same degradation problems of OLEDs and is possibly cheaper to make. Quantum dots are inorganic nanoparticles that emit a specific color of light when excited by an electrical current or light beam. Although an early prototype of a quantum-dot light-emitting diode (QLED) screen looks promising, commericalization is said to be three years out at the earliest, unless a heavy hitter fast-tracks the tech for its flagship phone...

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Quantum-Dot LED Screen

Liquid-Lens Camera

Camera phones are starting to have a decent number of megapixels, but they’re still limited by the need to be crammed into such a small space in an everything gadget. That means the complicated optics of D-SLR cameras or even point-and-shoots almost always need not apply. Enter the liquid-lens camera, which uses refractive fluid to achieve some of the effect of optics. Take this recently demonstrated model, which uses a few drops of fluid to create the effect of optical image stabilization and tilt control in camera the size of a fingertip. Best of all, it uses no moving parts, a key advantage in a phone, which can’t afford the energy lost in moving lenses with motors.
Liquid-Lens Camera

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Tactile Touch Screen

One of the chief complaints about the iPhone is that some people simply don’t like to type on touch screens and instead opt for a phone with a full keyboard. Until now, Apple’s had nothing to offer fans of tactile feedback, but sophisticated haptic technologies could change that. A new technique can actually create “sticky” areas on an otherwise smooth touch screen, vibrating certain parts so fast that they have different friction than others. The result is a touch screen that can feel like it has buttons when you want it to, which would do wonders to please both keyboard traditionalists and those who like the smooth feel an LCD beneath their fingers.
Tactile Touch Screen

Transparent Display

We’ve seen transparent parts shown in phones like the LG GD900, but no one so far has created a phone with a transparent main display, apart from a couple of concepts. For it to be practical, the display would need to become opaque when playing video or showing photos, but the design would be a game-changer. It would also be a classic Apple move to debut something miles ahead of the curve in terms of sexiness. An iPhone with a transparent screen would only be hampered by the inconvenient fact that it’s borderline impossible today.
Transparent Display

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Solar Charging

Will Apple be the first major player to free us from the inconvenience of needing to charge our phones every night? A Kindle needs to charge up only once a week or so, but to do the same for a smartphone would require a radical change—like making the it solar-powered. It sounds silly, since phones spend a lot of their existence in pockets, but technology like the recently demonstrated Wysips absorbs whatever light energy happens to be around, be it big (the sun) or small (room lighting). Best of all, it can be built into a layer on top of the screen itself, so that sexy design is unaffected.
Solar Charging

MHL Connector

The MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) connector combines both a USB and an HDMI jack, giving a phone data connectivity, power, and the ability to play 1080p HD video, all through one tiny plug. However, there's virtually zero chance Apple would replace its proprietary connector—and obsolete the entire ecosystem of iPhone accessories—by switching the iPhone to MHL, but we’d love at least an adapter.
MHL Connector

Tags: iPhone 5,Six Amazing Phone Technologies, Hp pavilion dv6000 battery

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