Friday, December 9, 2011

Staying Healthy this Christmas Holiday Time

For many folks, Christmas time means glittering lights and gaily wrapped gifts; sounds of laughter and good cheer. Unfortunately, it also means rushing around and feeling altogether too much stress, and if you let you let things overwhelm you, you could wind up making yourself sick. We decided to compile eight suggestions to help keep you healthy this winter.

1. Get enough sleep: There never seems to be enough time in the day to do the things you need to do, but remember that getting enough rest is one of the most important. Keep to a regular sleep schedule as much as you can, even if you are entertaining guests or traveling yourself.

2. Avoid over-extending yourself: You be everywhere, do everything or be all things to all people. If you subject yourself to too much stress, you will run yourself (and your immune system) down.

3. Eat healthy foods: There are plenty of tempting treats to enjoy around the holidays, but use discipline. If you know you’re going to a party or having a big dinner, then exercise moderation at breakfast and lunch. And don’t get into the habit of eating fast food every time you shop – it’ll pack weight on you quickly, if you’re not careful.

4. Take your vitamins: It’s hard enough to keep our diets perfectly balanced, so consider taking a multivitamin if you did not take one already.

5. Be guilt-free: If you can’t make to a friend’s party or need to leave early, don’t feel bad, because it’s not worth being exhausted over. And don’t drink excessively – not only are police strictly enforcing DWI laws, alcohol can interrupt your sleep and make you feel lousy the next day.

6. Plan your trips: If you know you need to get to two or more places on the same side of town, combine the trips. For instance, if a store is near your friend’s house and that friend is having a party, wait till the day of the party to make the trip to the store.

7. De-stress at the gym: Letting your exercise fall by the wayside will make you feel worse, not better. Consider the time at the gym to be personal time that can’t be interrupted.

8. Just chill: Take time just on your own to read, reflect, and contemplate, pray or whatever helps center you and gets you to relax. Sit in front of the fireplace with a book or take a walk around your neighborhood to admire the Christmas lights.

You’ll enjoy the holiday season much more if you stay healthy this winter, so keep yourself on the right track and don’t run yourself into the ground. Not only that, you’ll be better prepared to enter the New Year in good spirits.  Read More Holiday Relates News:

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